** Hidden Truth v Paranormal CD Paranormal forces are at work. John Kennedy is on a mission to establish just how threatening they are... ** Touch Typist The sort of program a few Amiga Format journalists could benefit from! Mentioning no names of course. ** CD-ROM Round-up Two of the latest CD-ROM releases fall under Nick Veitch's thorough gaze. ** Faster Than Fast Your Amiga really can fly with the help of the new Apollo 1266 from Eyetech. Dave Taylor prepares himself for a white-knuckle ride. ** Software For Kids Don't keep the Amiga to yourself - share it with the family. You have no excuse with this batch of budget re-releases for kids. ** Long Term Review Gareth Murfin has some solid advice on housing your A1200 in a tower. ** Long Term Review Our favourite long term reviewer, Jonathon Duke, returns to tell us his views on sampling package Technosound Turbo 2 Pro. ** Powering Inferno Unexplained crashes? If you've got several peripherals it could be a power problem. Nick plugs in three PSUa and puts them to the test.